Thursday, January 13, 2005

Blogdex 13 January 2005 - Blogger, Dismiss (ed) !

In at # 5 = today, quite high considering it is a UK story, Guardian reports sorry tale of Waterstone Bookshop Edinburgh, employee, Joe Gordon, 37, (don't worry Joe, you'll get a better job than that - why not write a book about your experiences? "Scots 'Salman Pax', puts boot into book chain....").

A sage reflection from the first entry of moleskinerie, way back in January 2004:

I can tell my Moleskine everything. The things I did over the new Year? The Moleskine knows it all. But I wouldn't dare write about that here. Titillating tidbits [sic.ed.], perjhaps, but not the whole enchilada.

Not his moleskin, by the way, but Moleskine


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